-- Network Working Group                                           M. Dodge
-- Request for Comments: 4069                                   ECI Telecom
-- Category: Standards Track                                         B. Ray
--                                                   PESA Switching Systems
--                                                                 May 2005

--                 Definitions of Managed Object Extensions
--        for Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Lines (VDSL) Using
--               Single Carrier Modulation (SCM) Line Coding



   Unsigned32                      FROM SNMPv2-SMI         -- [RFC2578]
   RowStatus                       FROM SNMPv2-TC          -- [RFC2579]
   OBJECT-GROUP                    FROM SNMPv2-CONF        -- [RFC2580]
   ifIndex                         FROM IF-MIB             -- [RFC2863]
   vdslLineConfProfileName         FROM VDSL-LINE-MIB;     -- [RFC3728]

      LAST-UPDATED "200504280000Z" --     April 28, 2005
      ORGANIZATION "ADSLMIB Working Group"
      CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:  adslmib@ietf.org
            Info:      https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/adslmib

            Chair:     Mike Sneed
                       Sand Channel Systems
            Postal:    P.O. Box 37324
                       Raleigh NC 27627-732
            Email:     sneedmike@hotmail.com
            Phone:     +1 206 600 7022

                       Bob Ray
                       PESA Switching Systems, Inc.
            Postal:    330-A Wynn Drive
                       Huntsville, AL 35805
            Email:     rray@pesa.com
            Phone:     +1 256 726 9200 ext.  142

            Co-editor: Menachem Dodge
                       ECI Telecom Ltd.
            Postal:    30 Hasivim St.
                       Petach Tikva 49517,
            Email:     mbdodge@ieee.org
            Phone:     +972 3 926 8421

      "The VDSL-LINE-MIB found in RFC 3728 defines objects for the
      management of a pair of VDSL transceivers at each end of the VDSL
      line.  The VDSL-LINE-MIB configures and monitors the line code
      independent parameters (TC layer) of the VDSL line.  This MIB
      module is an optional extension of the VDSL-LINE-MIB and defines
      objects for configuration and monitoring of the line code specific
      (LCS) elements (PMD layer) for VDSL lines using SCM coding.  The
      objects in this extension MIB MUST NOT be used for VDSL lines
      using Multiple Carrier Modulation (MCM) line coding.  If an object
      in this extension MIB is referenced by a line which does not use
      SCM, it has no effect on the operation of that line.

      Naming Conventions:

         Vtuc -- VDSL transceiver at near (Central) end of line
         Vtur -- VDSL transceiver at Remote end of line
         Vtu  -- One of either Vtuc or Vtur
         Curr -- Current
         Atn  -- Attenuation
         LCS  -- Line Code Specific
         Max  -- Maximum
         Mgn  -- Margin
         PSD  -- Power Spectral Density
         Rx   -- Receive
         Snr  -- Signal to Noise Ratio
         Tx   -- Transmit

      Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This version
      of this MIB module is part of RFC 4069: see the RFC
      itself for full legal notices."
              REVISION "200504280000Z" --     April 28, 2005
              DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as RFC 4069."
          ::= { transmission 228 }

          vdslLineExtSCMMib    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vdslExtSCMMIB 1 }
          vdslLineExtSCMMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                                 { vdslLineExtSCMMib 1 }
   -- textual conventions used in this MIB

       STATUS       current
          "This data type is used as the syntax for the VDSL SCM Band
           Identity.  Attributes with this syntax identify the SCM Band
           referred to.  Specified as an INTEGER, the possible values

           optionalBand (1)  -- the optional Band range [25kHz - 138kHz]
           firstDownstreamBand (2)  -- first Downstream Band
           firstUpstreamBand (3)    -- first Upstream Band
           secondDownstreamBand (4) -- second Downstream Band
           secondUpstreamBand (5)   -- second Upstream Band
           thirdDownstreamBand (6)  -- third Downstream Band
           thirdUpstreamBand (7)    -- third Upstream Band"

       SYNTAX      INTEGER       {  optionalBand (1),
                                    firstDownstreamBand (2),
                                    firstUpstreamBand (3),
                                    secondDownstreamBand (4),
                                    secondUpstreamBand (5),
                                    thirdDownstreamBand (6),
                                    thirdUpstreamBand(7) }

   -- Single carrier modulation (SCM) configuration profile tables

   vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VdslLineSCMConfProfileBandEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
          "This table contains transmit band descriptor configuration
           information for a VDSL line.  Each entry in this table
           reflects the configuration for one of possibly many bands
           of a single carrier modulation (SCM) VDSL line.  For each
           profile which is associated with a VDSL line using SCM
           line coding, five entries in this table will exist, one for
           each of the five bands.  Bands which are not in use will be
           marked as unused.  These entries are defined by a manager
           and can be used to configure the VDSL line.  If an entry in
           this table is referenced by a line which does not use SCM,
           it has no effect on the operation of that line."
       ::= { vdslLineExtSCMMibObjects 1 }

   vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       VdslLineSCMConfProfileBandEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
          "Each entry consists of a list of parameters that
           represents the configuration of a single carrier
           modulation VDSL modem transmit band.

           A default profile with an index of 'DEFVAL', will
           always exist and its parameters will be set to vendor
           specific values, unless otherwise specified in this

           All read-create objects defined in this MIB module SHOULD be
           stored persistently."

       INDEX { vdslLineConfProfileName,
        vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandId }
       ::= { vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandTable 1 }

   VdslLineSCMConfProfileBandEntry ::=
          vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandId                VdslSCMBandId,
          vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandInUse             TruthValue,
          vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandCenterFrequency   Unsigned32,
          vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandSymbolRate        Unsigned32,
          vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandConstellationSize Unsigned32,
          vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandTransmitPSDLevel  Unsigned32,
          vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandRowStatus         RowStatus

   vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      VdslSCMBandId
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS  current
          "The BandId for this entry, which specifies which band
           is being referred to."
       ::= { vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandEntry 1 }

   vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandInUse OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS  current
          "Indicates whether this band is in use.
           If set to True this band is in use."
       ::= { vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandEntry 2 }

   vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandCenterFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "Hz"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
          "Specifies the center frequency in Hz"
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-011R3"    -- Part 2, SCM
       ::= { vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandEntry 3 }

   vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandSymbolRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "baud"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
          "The requested symbol rate in baud."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-011R3"    -- Part 2, SCM
       ::= { vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandEntry 4 }

   vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandConstellationSize OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..16)
       UNITS        "log2"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
          "Specifies the constellation size."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-011R3"    -- Part 2, SCM
       ::= { vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandEntry 5 }

   vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandTransmitPSDLevel OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "-0.25 dBm/Hz"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
          "The requested transmit power spectral density for the VDSL
           modem.  The Actual value in -0.25 dBm/Hz."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-011R3"    -- Part 2, SCM
       ::= { vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandEntry 6  }

   vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
          "This object is used to create a new row or modify or
           delete an existing row in this table.

           A profile activated by setting this object to `active'.
           When `active' is set, the system will validate the profile.

           None of the columns in this row may be modified while the
           row is in the `active' state.

           Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of
           service, (by setting this object to `destroy' or
           `notInService') it must be first unreferenced
           from all associated lines."

       ::= { vdslLineSCMConfProfileBandEntry 7 }

   -- SCM physical band

   vdslLineSCMPhysBandTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VdslLineSCMPhysBandEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
          "This table provides one row for each SCM Vtu band.  This
           table is read only as it reflects the current physical
           parameters of each band.  For each ifIndex which is
           associated with a VDSL line using SCM line coding, five
           entries in this table will exist, one for each of the
           five bands.  Bands which are not in use will be marked
           as unused."
       ::= { vdslLineExtSCMMibObjects 2 }

   vdslLineSCMPhysBandEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        VdslLineSCMPhysBandEntry
       MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
       STATUS        current
          "An entry in the vdslLineSCMPhysBandTable."
       INDEX { ifIndex,
               vdslLineSCMPhysBandId  }
       ::= { vdslLineSCMPhysBandTable 1 }

   VdslLineSCMPhysBandEntry ::=
           vdslLineSCMPhysBandId                    VdslSCMBandId,
           vdslLineSCMPhysBandInUse                 TruthValue,
           vdslLineSCMPhysBandCurrCenterFrequency   Unsigned32,
           vdslLineSCMPhysBandCurrSymbolRate        Unsigned32,
           vdslLineSCMPhysBandCurrConstellationSize Unsigned32,
           vdslLineSCMPhysBandCurrPSDLevel          Unsigned32,
           vdslLineSCMPhysBandCurrSnrMgn            Integer32,
           vdslLineSCMPhysBandCurrAtn               Unsigned32

   vdslLineSCMPhysBandId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      VdslSCMBandId
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "The BandId for this entry, which specifies which band
            is being referred to."
       ::= { vdslLineSCMPhysBandEntry 1 }

   vdslLineSCMPhysBandInUse OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "Indicates whether this band is in use.
           If set to True this band is in use."
       ::= { vdslLineSCMPhysBandEntry 2 }

   vdslLineSCMPhysBandCurrCenterFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "Hz"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
          "The current center frequency in Hz for this band."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-011R3"    -- Part 2, SCM
       ::= { vdslLineSCMPhysBandEntry 3 }

   vdslLineSCMPhysBandCurrSymbolRate    OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "baud"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
          "The current value of the symbol rate in baud for this
      REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-011R3"    -- Part 2, SCM
      ::= { vdslLineSCMPhysBandEntry 4 }

   vdslLineSCMPhysBandCurrConstellationSize OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..16)
       UNITS        "log2"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
          "The current constellation size on this band."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-011R3"    -- Part 2, SCM
       ::= { vdslLineSCMPhysBandEntry 5 }

   vdslLineSCMPhysBandCurrPSDLevel    OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "- 0.25 dBm/Hz"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
          "The transmit power spectral density for the
           VDSL modem."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-011R3"    -- Part 2, SCM
       ::= { vdslLineSCMPhysBandEntry 6 }

   vdslLineSCMPhysBandCurrSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        Integer32
       UNITS         "0.25 dB"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
          "Noise margin as seen by this Vtu and band with respect
           to its received signal in 0.25 dB."
       ::= { vdslLineSCMPhysBandEntry 7 }

   vdslLineSCMPhysBandCurrAtn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..255)
       UNITS         "0.25 dB"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
          "Measured difference in the total power transmitted by
           the peer Vtu on this band and the total power received
           by this Vtu on this band in 0.25 dB."
       ::= { vdslLineSCMPhysBandEntry 8 }

   -- conformance information

   vdslLineExtSCMConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                               { vdslLineExtSCMMib 2 }
   vdslLineExtSCMGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                       { vdslLineExtSCMConformance 1 }
   vdslLineExtSCMCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                       { vdslLineExtSCMConformance 2 }

   vdslLineExtSCMMibCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
       STATUS  current
          "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which
           manage VDSL interfaces."

       MODULE  -- this module


       ::= { vdslLineExtSCMCompliances 1 }

   -- units of conformance

   vdslLineExtSCMGroup    OBJECT-GROUP

       STATUS      current
          "A collection of objects providing configuration
           information for a VDSL line based upon single carrier
           modulation modem."
       ::= { vdslLineExtSCMGroups 1 }
